Antonio Pedro Garcia de Souza
Partner specialized in civil and commercial litigation, domestic and international arbitration, corporate law, administrative law and contracts.
Academic Background
- Visiting Scholar at Columbia Law School in New York.
- Ph.D. in Corporate and Commercial Law, University of São Paulo.
- Master’s Degree in Commercial and Corporate Law, University of São Paulo.
- Specialization in negotiation and mediation from Harvard Law School.
- Bachelor of Law, FGV Direito Rio, Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV).
Academic Experience
- Professor at Fundação Getúlio Vargas Rio Law School
- Professor of post-graduate courses in Corporate Law and Capital Markets and Corporate Litigation and Corporate Mediation and Arbitration at Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
- Professor at the Superior School of Law in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.
- Guest Professor at the Center for Studies and Research in Law Teaching CEPED-UERJ.
- Responsible for the Corporate and Commercial litigation course in the FGV Direito Rio undergraduate program.
- Recognized by Chambers and Partners in the Dispute Resolution category, 2022, 2023 and 2024 – Rio de Janeiro
- Recognized for his performance in arbitration and litigation by Legal 500 2022, 2023 and 2024.
- Recognized for Arbitration in the 2025 edition of the Lexology Index (formerly Who’s Who Legal).
- Recognized for his performance in arbitration by Lacca 2024.
- Named among the most admired lawyers by “Análise Advocacia magazine”.
Professional Associations
- Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb).
- Director of the Law firms’ Center of Studies – CESA of the Rio de Janeiro branch.
- Member of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr).
- Effective Member of the M&A and Corporate Disputes Committee of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate and Commercial Law – IBRADEMP.
- Member of the CAMARB List of Arbitrators.
- Member of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo Sections.
Publications and Lectures
- Author of the book “Redes Empresariais: a distribuição de bens e serviços e o seu propósito comum”. São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2021.
- Co-author of the chapter “O desenho contratual nas Fusões e Aquisições e as disputas após o fechamento: limitações à luz do Direito Brasileiro”, In Fusões e Aquisições (M&A), Marcelo Vieira von Adamek et al eds. São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2022.
- Author of the chapter “Apuração de haveres dos sócios: os caminhos da jurisprudência e a interpretação dos arts. 606 e 607 do Código de Processo Civil”, In Great themes of the new CPC: Business Process, Marco Aurélio Bellize et al eds. Rio de Janeiro: Juspodium, 2022.
- Author of the chapter “O controle judicial do Contrato de Financiamento celebrado com a empresa em Recuperação Judicial: o alcance e as limitações do novo Art. 69-B da Lei nº 11.101 de 2005”, In Processo Societário IV. Flavio Luiz Yarshell et al eds., São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2021.
- Author of the chapter “Garantias autônomas à primeira demanda, in 18 anos do Código Civil. Jorge Cesa Ferreira da Silva et al eds., Quartier Latin, 2021.
- Chapter co-author “International post-M&A arbitrations in Brazil”. In International Arbitration: Law and Practice in Brazil. Oxford University Press, 2020.
- Chapter co-author “Árbitro de emergência: conceito, desenvolvimento e adequação”, available in Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, Vol. 16.
- Chapter co-author “Provisional Measures for the Enforcement of Shareholders’ Agreements under Brazilian Law”, in Financier Worldwide, July 2018.
- Speaker at national and international institutions on topics related to corporate, business, contractual and arbitration disputes.
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